Monday, April 30, 2007

Photos Around the "Creek"

Lately at Jaguar Creek:

We got a new name and a new sign...well actually the name is not official and the sign isn't new, its recyled from a sign that used to say "Jaguar Creek - Christian Environmental Center" from the very early days of Jaguar Creek. Mateo did a nice job carving the new words at the bottom "Mission & Conference Center"; we are sort of trying out this name to see how we like it. The sign is posted at the turn off from the dirt road to Ian Anderson's Caves Branch Resort.

Other woodworking news: We've hired a couple of men from Armenia Village to refinish some of the wooden furniture at Jaguar Creek...(we have a lot for them to do). Besides sanding and varnishing these dining tables, they also repaired the splits and tightened the legs up a bit.

Here's a view you've never seen before. From the office (left) you can now see the lodge (center). The area in between was pretty much just jungle until a week ago. So far everybody that has seen this new look, really likes it. It won't stay brown for long (even if we do nothing, when the rain comes it will be green!). There has been some discussion about a putting green....but we will probably just settle for a little grass and flowers.

Our cabin skylights were getting pretty shabby so we replaced them. The nice thing about the new ones is that they have the same form as the sheet metal used on the roof. Much nicer.

And last, one of my in the dining room. We had to create our own poles because the ceiling is so high. They work great and will be nice if the weather ever gets hot down here (ha).

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